Lucida Sans Typewriter Console Fonts for Linux

Welcome to the Lucida Sans Typewriter Console Fonts for Linux package website, where you can download font files for your Linux console that are directly based on the Lucida Sans Typewriter bitmap glyphs supplied with the X11 Window System, view codecharts and screenshots of those fonts in action and read about the fonts themselves.

Screenshot of lucida-16x30 in action


The current release of the Lucida Sans Typewriter Console Fonts for Linux package is version 1.3 [300KB; GnuPG signature]. You may download the source code, as well as difference files, from the FTP repository for this package. Full installation instructions are available.

You may look at the source code of this package, download a read-only copy of the Git repository or browse the source code history.

About the fonts

The Lucida Sans Typewriter Console Fonts for Linux package contains console fonts for Linux directly based on the Lucida Sans Typewriter bitmap glyphs supplied with the X11 Window System. Each font contains 256 glyphs covering many Western European languages.

The following font files are included:

To use one of these fonts on your Linux console, please follow the installation instructions in the package’s README.pdf file.

Note that these fonts require a framebuffer-style console: traditional VGA consoles can only display fonts that are eight pixels wide.

Unicode coverage

All fonts in this package contain the same Unicode mapping table and cover the following single-byte encodings (code pages):

Also included are special VT100 characters used by Curses, including box drawing glyphs, and various symbols used in typography.


The following screenshots were generated by the psftx-sampler and psftx-screenshot utility programs supplied with this font package:

Screenshot of lucida-10x16 in action
Screenshot of lucida-12x20 in action
Screenshot of lucida-14x24 in action
Screenshot of lucida-16x30 in action

Please note that these screenshots may be too large to display in your web browser without being scaled down.


The following PDF codecharts were generated by the psftx-codechart utility program supplied with this font package:

Font filename Normal size
(Glyphs per page)
Large size
(Glyphs per page)
Huge size
(Glyphs per page)
lucida-10x16.psf [PDF] 16×16 [PDF] 8×8 [PDF] 4×4
lucida-12x20.psf [PDF] 16×16 [PDF] 8×8 [PDF] 4×4
lucida-14x24.psf [PDF] 16×16 [PDF] 8×8 [PDF] 4×4
lucida-16x30.psf [PDF] 16×16 [PDF] 8×8 [PDF] 4×4

Glyph designs

As already mentioned in About the fonts, this package contains console fonts that are directly based on the Lucida Sans Typewriter bitmap glyphs supplied with the X11 Window System. These bitmap glyphs are distributed in their entirety with this package in the upstream directory; upstream/COPYING.pdf contains the licence under which this is done.

In particular, the following is a list of the Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) font files distributed in that subdirectory, along with the font weight, point size and nominal glyph size of each font:

Font filename Resolution Font weight Point size Nominal glyph size Notes
…-75dpi/lutRS08.bdf 75dpi Medium 8pt 5×11 pixels
…-75dpi/lutRS10.bdf 75dpi Medium 10pt 6×12 pixels
…-75dpi/lutRS12.bdf 75dpi Medium 12pt 8×14 pixels
…-75dpi/lutRS14.bdf 75dpi Medium 14pt 10×16 pixels *
…-75dpi/lutRS18.bdf 75dpi Medium 18pt 12×20 pixels *
…-75dpi/lutRS19.bdf 75dpi Medium 19pt 13×23 pixels
…-75dpi/lutRS24.bdf 75dpi Medium 24pt 16×28 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS08.bdf 75dpi Bold 8pt 5×11 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS10.bdf 75dpi Bold 10pt 6×12 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS12.bdf 75dpi Bold 12pt 8×14 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS14.bdf 75dpi Bold 14pt 10×16 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS18.bdf 75dpi Bold 18pt 12×20 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS19.bdf 75dpi Bold 19pt 13×23 pixels
…-75dpi/lutBS24.bdf 75dpi Bold 24pt 16×28 pixels
…-100dpi/lutRS08.bdf 100dpi Medium 8pt 8×13 pixels
…-100dpi/lutRS10.bdf 100dpi Medium 10pt 9×17 pixels
…-100dpi/lutRS12.bdf 100dpi Medium 12pt 11×19 pixels
…-100dpi/lutRS14.bdf 100dpi Medium 14pt 13×23 pixels *
…-100dpi/lutRS18.bdf 100dpi Medium 18pt 16×29 pixels
…-100dpi/lutRS19.bdf 100dpi Medium 19pt 16×30 pixels *
…-100dpi/lutRS24.bdf 100dpi Medium 24pt 23×39 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS08.bdf 100dpi Bold 8pt 8×12 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS10.bdf 100dpi Bold 10pt 10×17 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS12.bdf 100dpi Bold 12pt 11×19 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS14.bdf 100dpi Bold 14pt 14×23 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS18.bdf 100dpi Bold 18pt 17×29 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS19.bdf 100dpi Bold 19pt 18×30 pixels
…-100dpi/lutBS24.bdf 100dpi Bold 24pt 24×39 pixels

* Used as the source of console fonts in this package.

The bold font variants have not been used in this package: such fonts are less useful in a console environment where only one font can be active at a time for any given console. Fonts larger than 32 pixels wide or high cannot be used as Linux console fonts. The smaller fonts have either poor resolution of glyphs in general, or poor resolution of accents above letters, and have thus been ignored.

The remaining fonts have been carefully examined for their suitability as console fonts, with the most aesthetically pleasing variants chosen:

Original BDF font Nominal glyph size Console font source code Notes
…-75dpi/lutRS14.bdf 10×16 pixels lucida-10x16.psftx
…-75dpi/lutRS18.bdf 12×20 pixels lucida-12x20.psftx
…-100dpi/lutRS14.bdf 13×23 pixels lucida-14x24.psftx **
…-100dpi/lutRS19.bdf 16×30 pixels lucida-16x30.psftx

** One extra row of pixels has been added to the bottom of each glyph and one extra column inserted to the left, to make the font use even-sized glyphs.

All glyphs have been converted directly from the BDF font, as commented in each PSFTX source file. Thirteen glyphs are not present in the upstream fonts; the designs in the console fonts have been based on the Lucida Sans Typewriter OT font purchased from the TeX Users Group, or else designed from scratch to match the general look and feel of Lucida Sans Typewriter:

(The first 11 of these characters are required for full VT100 emulation as used by the Curses library.)

In addition, U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER is also missing: the glyph for U+0000 (char0) is used instead.

Finally, the upstream glyphs for U+0030 DIGIT ZERO are almost identical to the glyphs for U+004F LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O. For this reason, the Lucida Sans Typewriter OT glyph “” is used instead.


Your comments, suggestions, corrections and enhancements are always warmly welcomed! Please send these to:

Postal: John Zaitseff,
The ZAP Group Australia,
Unit 6, 116 Woodburn Road,
Berala, NSW, 2141,

Copyright © 2017–25, John Zaitseff.

The Lucida Sans Typewriter Console Fonts package is free software that is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of that License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any later version.

This font package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.