Companion CD-ROM: reference directory

The reference directory contains reference material, mainly for the ARM microcontroller. In particular, you will want to have the [PDF] ARM Architecture Reference Manual at your fingertips. For example, you can use this manual (often called the “ARM ARM”) to look up specific information on how a particular assembly language instruction actually works. You need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader (or another PDF viewer) installed on your computer in order to read these documents.

Please remember that you can find additional documents in other parts of this CD-ROM. In particular, you should consult the documents in the unsw/common directory, which have been written specifically for the Digital Systems Laboratory. You can also find reference documentation for the DSLMU Microcontroller Board itself in the board/doc directory.

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] reference: Reference material, mainly for the ARM microcontroller   This is the current directory
[Dir] misc: Miscellaneous reference documents
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] arm-architecture-reference.pdf: The ARM Architecture Reference Manual (recommended)
[File] arm-instructions-quickref.pdf: ARM Instruction Set Quick Reference
[File] arm-thumb-instructions-quickref.pdf: ARM Thumb Instruction Set Quick Reference
[File] arm-thumb-procedure-call-standard.pdf: ARM-Thumb Procedure Call Standard
[File] arm-elf-specification.pdf: ARM-specific features of the Executable and Linking Format (ELF)
[File] arm-tis-dwarf2-debugging-format.pdf: ARM-specific features of the DWARF2 Debugging Format
[File] arm-glossary.pdf: A Glossary of Frequently Used Industry Acronyms from ARM


Please note that the reference documents in this directory are distributed under licence from ARM Limited. You may access these documents from the ARM Documentation Web site.