Companion CD-ROM: gnutools/cygwin directory

The gnutools/cygwin directory contains the Cygwin Unix Emulator for Microsoft Windows. Cygwin gives you a complete Unix environment (the Unix command line shell, all of the usual system and programming tools, header files and libraries, and so on) — everything you need to run Unix-like programs under Windows.

You only need to install the Cygwin Unix Emulator if you plan to run the GNU Tools under Microsoft Windows. If you are running these tools under Linux (the preferred option), you do not need to install Cygwin.

Please note that the Cygwin Unix Emulator does not provide all of the applications that are available in a typical Linux installation: only the most essential programs are included. In particular, your choice of a decent text editor is severely limited: either you need to use vi (shudder!) or you need to install a third-party text editor like TextPad. You cannot use the default Windows Notepad text editor.

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] gnutools: GNU Tools for the ARM microcontroller
[Dir] cygwin: Cygwin Unix Emulator for Windows   This is the current directory
[Dir] doc: Reference documentation for Cygwin
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] install.html: Installation and uninstallation instructions for Cygwin
[Dir] win32: Installation directory for Cygwin
[File] setup.exe: Cygwin installation program (see the instructions for more details)


Please note that the Cygwin Unix Emulator is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please consult the Cygwin Web site for more details.