Companion CD-ROM: utils/unsw directory

The utils/unsw directory contains various utility programs (in the form of Perl scripts) that are useful for system administration. These scripts are referred to in some of the installation instructions on this CD-ROM. You probably don’t need them unless you are a system administrator or just plain curious!

To use these Perl scripts, simply copy the files in the [List] utils/unsw/src directory to any directory on your path, such as /usr/local/bin. You can do that by typing something similar to the following as the root administrator at the shell prompt:

cd /mnt/cdrom/utils/unsw/src
for q in *; do cp -p $q /usr/local/bin; chmod u+w /usr/local/bin/$q; done

Please note that these instructions assume that you have already mounted this CD-ROM on your computer, and that the mount point is /mnt/cdrom; see the instructions for mounting the CD-ROM for more details.

You should look at the actual source code for information on what the scripts actually do and how to use them. Try typing something like “less /usr/local/bin/insync”, for example (once insync has been copied to /usr/local/bin, of course!). These scripts have been verified to work under Linux (and any other Unix-like operating system with Perl) and under the Cygwin Unix Emulator for Microsoft Windows.

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] utils: Various useful utility programs
[Dir] unsw: Utilities specifically written for the Laboratory   This is the current directory
[Dir] src: Source code of the scripts
[File] cphome: Copy the home directory to/from elsewhere
[File] insync: Synchronise one directory with another
[File] mkuninst: Create an uninstallation script for archives
[File] rmbak: Clean up a directory tree by removing backup files
[File] symlink-tree: Create a tree of symbolic links
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] Licence.html: The GNU General Public License, the licence that applies to this directory and all subdirectories


Please note that the utility programs (Perl scripts) in the utils/unsw/src directory are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.