Companion CD-ROM: gnutools/win32 directory

The gnutools/win32 directory contains the precompiled binaries of the GNU Tools for Microsoft Windows. You can choose to install these tools under Windows in order to compile, debug and run your programs that are part of your laboratory experiments. If at all possible, however, you should run these tools under Linux instead.

Please be aware that you need to install the Cygwin Unix Emulator before you can install the GNU Tools under Windows.

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] gnutools: GNU Tools for the ARM microcontroller
[Dir] win32: Precompiled binaries for Windows   This is the current directory
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] install.html: Installation and uninstallation instructions for the precompiled binaries
[File] arm-elf-gnutools-win32-2003-06.tar.gz: Precompiled binaries of the GNU Tools for Windows
[File] arm-elf-gnutools-win32-2003-06.uninstall: Uninstallation script (see the uninstallation instructions for more details)


Please note that the GNU Tools (including, but not limited to, the precompiled binaries in this directory), are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.